Zushi – Shaka sanzon triad


Gold and black wooden zushi (miniature buddhist temple), its doors opening on a shaka sanzon triad : Shakyamuni Buddha, surrounded by two boddhisatvas, Monju-bosatsu (associated to wisdom, riding a shishi) and Fugen-bosatsu (associated to praxis, riding an elephant). The doors are adorned with mounts engraved with folliated scrolls.



Gold and black wooden zushi (miniature buddhist temple), its doors opening on a shaka sanzon triad : Shakyamuni Buddha, surrounded by two boddhisatvas, Monju-bosatsu (associated to wisdom, riding a shishi) and Fugen-bosatsu (associated to praxis, riding an elephant). The doors are adorned with mounts engraved with folliated scrolls.

Edo period

Height : 39 cm

Galerie Espace 4

9 rue Mazarine
75006 Paris – France
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